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A Steel Inquisitor sketch Zane from Well of Ascension. This hits the feels because I really wanted Zane to be saved and to fight his demons and I hate that Vin couldn't or didn't help him. skaa mistborn - Google Search mistborn on Tumblr Find and follow posts tagged mistborn on Tumblr Steel Inquisitor by nik-ivanov on DeviantArt Pencil sketch of a Steel Inquisitor. These are some of the bad guys in the Mistborn series of books by Brandon Sanderson. I did some highli... Steel Inquisitor Mistborn - Koloss by Inkthinker on DeviantArt More fanart for Brandon Sanderson's "Mistborn" trilogy, from Tor books, the text largely says it all. This started out as a little loosen-up doodle... Mistborn - Koloss Mistborn: Sazed by Firnheledien on DeviantArt It's 2 weeks well into my summer holiday and I'm slowly whittling away at the many WIPs I have. I took a break to read lots of fantasy books that my fri... Mistborn: Sazed Mistborn Adventure Game - Vin and Sazed by Inkthinker on DeviantArt A rarity in my Mistborn work, two of the main characters from the novels as they appear in The Mistborn Adventure Game, out this month from Crafty Games... Mistborn Adventure Game - Vin and Sazed Kredik Shaw by mking2008 on DeviantArt speedpainting of Kredik Shaw in the city of Luthadel from the Mistborn novels.

Finding Your Best Skills • Circle 10 skills you most enjoy using. • Type them into a Word doc. • Think about how much you want to use each skill. • Put the skills in order from most favorite to least favorite. Top 5 Skills • Look at top 5 skills: these are your best skills. • Write these 5 skills on My Parachute in the section "My Best Transferable Skills" • Enter last weeks interests on My Parachute in the section "My Favorite Interests" Lesson 2 stops here! The Party -Have you had a part-time or summer job where work was boring but you still went? -Or a class that you didn't really like but you liked your classmates? A good job is more that what you're good at…it's discovering what kinds of people you enjoy working with! *Each person take a yellow sticky note. Lesson 3 Realistic People who have athletic or mechanical ability or prefer to work with objects, tools, plants or animals or to be outdoors. Described as: frank, genuine, honest, humble, modest, natural, practical, shy, and thrifty.

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