I Am But A Small Voice Minus One

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I am but a small voice minus one book

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Don Pedro rico hacendado decide vender una mula vieja que le regalo Don Herculano Rosado a su hija de Don Pedro cuando hizo su primera comunión… Aclaremos: La primera comunión la hizo la hija de Don Pedro, no Don Pedro… el cual le comunica la decisión a su hija Luz María, quién es la dueña de la mula que le regalado Don Herculano Rosado cuando hizo su primera comunión, y a su vez es novia de Antonio el cual se ha decidido a pedir su mano…. Aclaremos: La novia es Luz María y es de ella la mano que va a pedir… no la de la mula… Antonio se topa con Juana, la criada de la casa quien coquetea con el muy posible comprador de la mula, que es Eufocilio… Aclaremos: Coquetea con Eufocilio, no con la mula… ¿o con la mula?... Ya me hice bolas… mejor lean ustedes la obra. Lee algo de la obra: Escena Uno Juana y Don Pedro JUANA: ( ENTRA BARRIENDO, BAILA Y BEBE DE UNA BOTELLA DE TEQUILA) (HACE GESTOS) (SE LIMPIA LA BOCA) No vaiga siendo que me salgan granos en la boca… porque yo estoy acostumbrada a puro guisky.

This rock could light and bring lucky to you. Next, the south of Vietnam, where I was born, and I love this place with all my heart. Foreigner Street is the familiar name that the people in this area and tourists call about Bui vien. It serves many kinds of entertainment such as hotels, foods, and travel services especially bar, pub is the main business. People in this area speak many multiple languages. This community consider to servers foreigner with the price from cheap to average. This area has been mentioned in the list of place must be visit when you are in Saigon. After that, Bitexco financial tower had reached the top five in the list of twenty skyscrapers building in the world. Bitexco is the tallest building in Vietnam with symbol of lotus and this building server in shopping, and mall major. In the last of South Vietnam, this is a largest island in my country, also known as Pearl Island. Apart from the long sandy beaches, we have reefs, primeval forests, and abundant natural carpets.

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