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Click Here There are more than 50 English Bible translations in circulation by some estimates. We have provided a chart to provide information on some of the most common translations. This chart attempts to show the degree to which a translation conforms to the original languages and the source and 'pedigree' of the given translation. This chart does not attempt to evaluate translations, but rather to expose translation philosophies. Click on Image For the best image of this chart – click here. If you would like to see a comparison chart of a selection of these translations please click here. Incidentally, even a cursory study of English Bible history shows the importance of William Tyndale, whose translation of the New Testament in 1525 (under bitter persecution) formed the fountainhead of subsequent English translations. There are many excellent English Bible translations. We are partial towards those that follow the 'Formal Equivalence' model – that is, the ones that put a premium on word-for-word accuracy.

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and Mr & Mrs White (). On one occasion wrongly listed by F. C. L. Bosman (1980:p. 359) as Pygmalion & Galathea. 1878: Performed by the Disney Roebuck company in the Theatre Royal, Cape Town, on "Regatta Night", 22 May, with "scenes from Robinson Crusoe " (Defoe/ Byron) as a benefit for Miss Frances Delaval. 1888-9: The play was part of the repertoire of Lillian Beddard and her Shakesperian company that toured South Africa in this period, visiting Cape Town in 1888, and Johannesburg and Kimberley in 1889. Specifically mentioned is a performance of the first act of Pygmalion and Galatea (Gilbert) in Cape Town (as part of an event called Grand Classical Performance in the Exhibition Theatre, Cape Town, on 3 May 1888. Pygmalion by G. B. Shaw (1912). The play by George Bernard Shaw tells the story of the poor flower seller who wants to be a lady, and is taught to "speak proper" by the professor Higgins. Written in 1912, it was first staged in 1914. The play has had many spin-offs, including a fine film by Gabriel Pascal and, perhaps most famously, the stage and film musical My Fair Lady (Lerner and Loewe).

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- Reemplazamos los numeros en base a la tabla: 2 = 010 0 = 000 4 = 100 7 = 111 4. - Escrbimos los numeros de izquierda a derecha o en este caso, de arriba abajo: 010000100111, y asi tenemos nuestro numero binario. Veamos ahora como pasar numeros Octales a Decimales: 1. - Tomamos nuestro numero octal, digamos 3014 y lo dividimos en cifras: 3 0 1 4 2. - A cada una de estras cifras le agregamos un multiplicador por 8 (*8): 3*8 0*8 1*8 4*8 3. - Cada "*8" lo elevamos, de derecha a izquierda, a una potencia consecutiva empezando del cero: 3*8^3 0*8^2 1*8^1 4*8^0 4. - Resolvemos cada uno de estos grupos: 1536 0 8 4 5. - Sumamos estos resultados: 1536 + 0 + 8 + 4 = 1548 6. - "1548" es nuestro numero decimal y con esto hemos terminado la transformación: Pasar de Octal a Hexadecimal Debido a que no hay una forma directa de realizar esta transformación, lo que debemos hacer es transformar el numero a binario, como se mostro al inicio de este tutorial y luego es numero binario debemos transformarlo a Hexadecimal como se muestra en Como transformar numeros Binarios: Con esto ya podemos transformar nuestros numeros octales.

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